Rail links and remnant grasslands

Have you heard that our state’s Airport Rail Link is getting under way? It’s certainly a good project for Melbourne. The trouble is, the Airport Rail isn’t going to be […]...
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Victoria’s extinction disgrace – scathing report highlights funding failings of government to halt decline

MEDIA RELEASE 13 October  2021 | The report Protecting Victoria’s Biodiversity provides a caustic assessment of the failure of a plethora of Victorian Government policies and programs designed to...
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Worst move for national parks in decades

TAKE ACTION | The Victorian Government plans to hand over control of some of our most iconic national parks along the Great Ocean Road to a new tourism-driven authority....
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Mystery in the shallows

PARK WATCH September 2021 | Campaigner Shannon Hurley explains how this season the Spider Crabs have kept people waiting with bated breath. Every year in winter, the famous cast of […]...
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Big trees – little protection

PARK WATCH September 2021 | The proposed changes to the Code of Timber Production include adding new protections for large trees in Victoria, writes Campaigner Jordan Crook.  The Environment...
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Clearfelling the Code

PARK WATCH September 2021 | Executive Director Matt Ruchel and Nature Conservation Campaigner Jordan Crook explain how changes to logging laws are bad news for forests and very bad news […]...
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Not so fast

PARK WATCH September 2021 | Immediate Protection Areasced almost two years ago are finally moving forward, writes Executive Director Matt Ruchel. In November 2019, the Andrews Government...
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A major event

PARK WATCH June 2021 | The Victorian Government is now conducting a Major Event Review on the impact the 2019-20 bushfires had on native forests and the logging industry. It’s […]...
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Fire management needs some open scrutiny

PARK WATCH September 2021 | Fire affects us all, and it affects all of Victoria’s environment. So surely its management warrants ongoing, rigorous, independent evaluation, says Phil Ingamells. If...
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