Introducing the bryozoan reef

PARK WATCH Article December 2021 | Set to be listed as the second threatened community in Westernport Bay – Campaigner Shannon Hurley shares what makes it special, and what makes it at risk. ...
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Our forests: key to a safe climate future

PARK WATCH Article December 2021 | Nature Conservation Officer Elizabeth Morison explains how the latest IPCC report applies to Victoria....
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They can bring wildlife back from the brink of extinction

UPDATED 9 May 2022 | Can you imagine finding an Eastern Quoll in your garden shed? Or a Regent Honeyeater visiting your window sill? Or at the beach, a Hooded […]...
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Bring our wildlife back from the brink!

Our native animals and natural places are part of what makes Victoria the place to be. But within a few generations, once-common animals and plants have all but disappeared. The Ecosystem Decline...
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Alpine National Park wildflowers

New feral horse plan to protect our alpine treasures

NEWS 5 November 2021 | Home to the rare and fuzzy Tooarranna, endangered skinks, crayfish, and fascinating alpine plants, the Alpine National Park is one of Victoria’s most prized natural...
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Protect our alpine habitat from NSW feral horses!

TAKE ACTION 26 October 2021 | NSW’s draft horse management plan aims to protect a large population of ‘heritage’ horses in Kosciuszko National Park along the NSW border with Victoria....
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