NEWS 2 June 2018 |
Feral horses ravaging Victoria’s Alpine National Park are to be brought under control.
Victoria’s Environment Minister Lily D’Ambrosio has released a three-year strategy to remove all horses from the Bogong High Plains area, and significantly reduce numbers in the eastern area of the park.
The Victorian National Parks Association congratulates Minister D’Ambrosio and Parks Victoria for listening to the science and leading the way on feral horse management. The Protection of the Alpine National Park – Feral Horse Strategic Plan 2018-2021, once implemented, will have a positive impact on the health of the Alpine National Park.
The Victorian strategy contrasts greatly with an ill-advised plan from the NSW government to protect feral horses in Kosciuszko National Park.
The damage horses are doing to alpine regions, especially fragile high country wetlands, has long been recognised by the scientific community – and by the thousands of regular park visitors.
Extensive scientific studies show that horses damage the peat beds and wetlands that should be feeding clear water into our rivers and streams all year long. They also threaten a number of rare alpine plants and animals.
VNPA has been engaged in consultation and review processes with Parks Victoria for most of the last decade, and it is a great relief to finally see some concrete action.
We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you, our community of supporters, for standing up for the alpine environment. All the submissions that you made, all the emails that you sent – these have all helped send a strong message to the Minister that the community is in favour of the science and protecting our unique alpine parks.
We congratulate the Minister and Parks Victoria for leading the way on feral horse control.