
Australia is facing an extinction and pollution crisis. Our current environment laws are too weak to stop companies damaging the people, places and wildlife we love.

Over 2,000 species and ecological communities are listed as threatened with extinction nationally. In Victoria, the situation is worse, with between one quarter and one-third of all our state’s terrestrial plants, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, along with numerous invertebrates and ecological communities, are considered threatened with extinction.

The Australian Labor Party has included new nature laws and institutions in the draft National Platform they will take to the federal election, but these new laws will be hotly debated at the party’s National Conference in mid-December.

We urgently need to show key federal Labor leaders how strong and deep the support for these reforms runs.

Can you write an email asking Labor Leader Bill Shorten, Deputy Leader Tanya Plibersek, and Shadow Environment Minister Tony Burke to champion new nature laws and institutions?

Here are some talking points you can use:

  • Australia is facing an extinction, pollution and deforestation crisis.
  • Our current environment laws are broken, and tinkering around the edges with piecemeal  reforms won’t fix the problem
  • National leadership is urgently needed if we are to protect the people, places and wildlife we love.
  • We need to lift the environment above politics and entrust decision-making to independent science-based institutions like a National Environment Commission.
  • We need strong new laws and a national EPA to act as a watchdog and enforce the law.
  • To end extinction crisis Labor must deliver a new generation of laws and institutions in the first term of a Shorten Government.
  • ask them to champion these reforms and ensure that Labor adopts the current environmental laws wording in the final draft of the National Platform.

Or send the below message using this form:

To the Hon. Bill Shorten MP, Hon. Tanya Plibersek MP and the Hon. Tony Burke MP

Australia is facing an extinction, pollution and deforestation crisis and nearly 2000 Australian plants, animals and ecosystems are now officially at risk of extinction, and the list keeps growing. 

In Victoria, the situation is worse, with between one quarter and one-third of all our state’s terrestrial plants, birds, reptiles, amphibians and mammals, along with numerous invertebrates and ecological communities, are considered threatened with extinction.

Our current environment laws are broken, and tinkering around the edges with piecemeal reforms won’t fix the problem. National leadership is urgently needed if we are to protect the people, places and wildlife we love.

To end extinction crisis Labor must deliver a new generation of laws and institutions in the first term of a Shorten Government.

We need to lift the environment above politics and entrust decision-making to independent science-based institutions like a National Environment Commission

We need strong new laws and a national EPA to act as a watchdog and enforce the law.

I ask that you personally champion these reforms and ensure that Labor adopts the current environmental laws wording in the final draft of the National Platform.


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