The Western Port Woodlands is pure magic.

Snuffly Southern Brown Bandicoots and mighty Lace Monitors fossick among the grasses, wildflowers and orchids.

These patches of bushland are a haven for threatened plants and animals. They ‘re also at risk from industrial mining and inappropriate development.

In 2019 the Bass Coast was declared a ‘Distinctive Area and Landscape’.  This doesn’t mean it’s safe, but it does mean a chance to change how this natural wonder is looked after into the future. Those decisions are being made right now.

Call on the environment and planning ministers to take some clear steps to protect this wildlife corridor from industrial sand mining.

There is a better future for the bandicoots, Powerful Owls, rare orchids, reptiles and fungi. Together we’re going to make it happen.

We’ll send the following message on your behalf. You can include your own words for more impact.

Learn more about the woodlands.

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  • Photo of animal
    Jennifer 22 days ago
  • Photo of animal
    Tara 2 months ago
  • Photo of animal
    Ellen 2 months ago