PROGRAM UPDATE 20 June 2018 |

Our 2017 Great Victorian Fish Count was another great success of citizen science, with over 700 volunteer divers and snorkelers recording an amazing diversity of fish across the state.

To read more about the exciting findings from 2017 the full report is available here.

Download report here

With the target list of species expanding to include ten new and friendly shark and ray species the 2017 event was more exciting than ever.

Some of the highlights from 2017 include:

  • The smooth stingray recorded in nearly 50 per cent of surveys
  • The confirmed sighting of a white-barred boxfish in Port Phillip Bay suggests this species may be expanding its range into Victorian waters
  • The Blue Throat Wrasse continues to be the most commonly sighted species recorded in the highest abundance compared to any other species

The next Great Victorian Fish Count will be held from 17 November until 15 December 2018. We hope to see more fish-lovers jumping into the water to take the dive that counts – together we can make 2018 the biggest and best fish count ever!

To find out first about next year’s event subscribe to ReefWatch updates here.