We welcome that Infrastructure Victoria has considered the natural environment and identified some initiatives, however we find the section in general terms very light of the wide range of policy initiatives and ideas currently being discussed to protect and enhance biodiversity.

We support two of the proposed initiatives:

  • Habitat corridor link expansion and improvement – Develop and implement mechanisms to better link key habitat areas and improve the migration of key species.
  • Riparian fence investment – Invest in riparian fencing along rivers and waterways to prevent stock entering these areas and causing damage such.

We are strongly opposed and to a degree perplexed by the other two proposals:

  • National park pricing and expenditure regime (NPP1) – Review the regulatory regime for parks to determine the necessary balance between upgrades, maintenance and revenue requirements (which could come from park fees or other means).
  • National park private management (NPP2) – Use financial incentives for private park managers to deliver environmentally beneficial outcomes for national parks and protected areas. This would involve the establishment of measurable performance targets.

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