
Will you help protect Western Port Bay?

Western Port Bay is a beloved natural wonder. It’s a playground for Victorians and visitors alike.

But this living wonder can’t survive the relentless list of threats.

Water pollution. Gas terminals. Population pressures. The decline of marine creatures.

History has shown us that nothing is off the table. Gas and oil terminals. Container ports. Ammonia-urea and nuclear power plants.

What’s our goal? A holistic approach to how we look after the Bay. A sustainable economy that respects – not exploits – the area’s living wonders. 

We can protect the bay. For future generations, ourselves, and the living web of life – the nature we love and depend on.

Donate to be part of the healthy future for Western Port Bay.

Your gift will help to create and finalise:

  1. A detailed, thoughtful, well-informed plan for Western Port Bay
  2. The engagement of relevant agencies, scientists, conservationists, businesses, the local community and Traditional Custodians to work together as equal partners to develop and carry out the plan
  3. A dedicated Fund to deliver the plan

With your help, we will safeguard this beautiful Bay into the future and be ready to counter the next damaging development idea for the gem that is Western Port Bay.

We can’t protect Western Port Bay without your help. Please donate if you can.

What’s so special about Western Port Bay? Heaps of things!

  • More than 20,000 shorebirds and 115 different kinds of waterfowl flock to Western Port’s wetlands and shorelines each year.
  • One of the most important shorebird sites in Victoria.
  • Home to threatened birds like the Critically Endangered Curlew Sandpiper and the Double-banded Plover.
  • Rare White Mangroves, amongst the most southern in the world, grow there.
  • The mangroves provide a protected environment for fish, birds and crustaceans to feed and breed, and filter nutrients and sediment, improving water quality and storing carbon.
  • Colonies of Little Penguins thrive on Phillip Island.
  • Features unique marine life like lace coral that forms reefs that are found nowhere else in Victoria.
  • A breeding area for Elephant Fish and the Australian Anchovy.
  • A nursery for King George whiting, squid and other species.
  • Its seagrass meadows are a vital source of food and shelter for juvenile fish.

It’s a wonderful playground for Victorians and visitors alike!

We can’t protect Western Port Bay without your help. Please donate if you can.

How to donate:

  • Donate online using the form on this page
  • Phone the team on 03 9341 6500

Donations over $2 are tax-deductible. ABN: 34 217 717 593

For assistance, please call us on 03 9341 6500 or email [email protected]

Thank you for your gift.